
to set you free

hey -

I’ve noticed a pattern of behaviors that have caught my attention recently.

“She said x, which is why I reacted this way”

“What I did was okay, because he was being x to me”

Justifications for your actions validate your reactions, but that won’t exempt it from the consequences.

it’s going to be hard. That’s something we all collectively have to accept. I say ‘we’ because, we’re truly in this together, as cheesy as it sounds.

We’re all living for the very first time, we won’t always know what is best.

Sometimes people point fingers and blame others as a way to cope. Their conscience can’t handle feeling guilty about something. They’re afraid to take the blame because they may feel as though it’s weak to not ‘stand on business’.

As much as I can understand this mindset, this won’t do any favors for you in the long run. I say this because, I’ve done it.

I’ve made mistakes too. It used to be a struggle taking responsibility because it was hurting my ego. I felt weak for doing it. The unfortunate, unavoidable side effect of it was that it ate me alive internally.

I could have achieved something I’ve been working towards for a while and I wanted to be proud of myself, but the back of my mind would be like “Yeah that’s cool, but remember when you did this?”

I’ve learned to put my pride aside because I value the relationships I build with the ones I care about.

Never will I ever allow my ego to go before them. That’s not how I live.

I’ll apologize for the things I do wrong not just to neutralize conflict between my peers and I, but also to set my soul free.

It’s imperative that you acknowledge your wrongs and mistakes because that’s how you become a better person.

People are bound to make mistakes, and if you’re always avoiding accountability, you’re never going to truly learn and improve from it.

Don’t put the blame on people that don’t deserve it.

The guilt and consequences of avoiding accountability - it’s never worth it.

Your mistakes will never define who you are when you find the courage to bite the bullet and learn to do better.

see you then.

  • Ethan


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