they don't need to know

unapologetically ghost

hey -

there’s a hidden desire we place upon ourselves when we’re active on social media.

it’s the desire to be seen by others.

‘i need them to see that i’m still active here’

‘look at me! look at what i’m doing!’

it’s the subconscious pressure that i often face. i post with the intent of people, sometimes specific people, seeing me.

it’s unhealthy, you can’t justify this argument to be a good practice.

you don’t need the validation from others. there’s nothing to gain.

one might argue that it can boost your confidence and ego, but then you’d be placing your self-image in others’ hands, which can be a dangerous game.

it’s always a gamble:

maybe they’ll comment and you’ll feel better about yourself.

but if they don’t, you convince yourself that you’re not worth it.

they don’t need to know, for their opinions have no value once you take away its power.

you only need validation from yourself, because you only have you at the end of the day. and that’s the only way you’ll guarantee self-satisfaction.

don’t be afraid to go dark sometimes. don’t be afraid to cut contact with your peers for a little while.

log out. delete. go offline.

no one needs to know what you’re doing or where you’re at. trust me, they don’t.

they don’t care. they have their own lives too.

if they do care, they’ll find a way to hear from you.

but sometimes you need to force yourself to be alone to heal, recuperate, learn, adjust, produce. be better. this is for you.

you only have yourself.

stop depending on others to help you achieve the bare minimums in life that you feel you can’t provide for yourself.

it’s not fair to you. it’s not fair to them.

you’re here right now. you’re here today. you’re living proof that you’re capable of doing this shit alone.

if things don’t go the way you want it to, you can always go back. but it doesn’t hurt to try. it never hurts to try.

you’ll make it, so long as you believe in yourself and be patient. you got this.

see you then.

  • Ethan


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