look at the source

hey -

there’s a beauty about just sitting alone with your thoughts.

a lot of self-reflection and introspection is bound to happen.

like, “why do i act this way?” or “why does this make me feel this way?”

this isn’t the stuff we often want to think about, because our egos are compromised when we are forced to see the kind of people we are.

our faults and mishaps take the spotlight, and it paints a color on how we view ourselves. a color that doesn’t always paint us very brightly

so instead, we distract ourselves by scrolling, watching something, drinking, smoking, gaming, cleaning, whatever.

it’s like when the trash can smells foul and you spray febreze to ‘mask’ the scent.

there’s relief from the odor, but the odor is still there.

we confront the products for a temporary fix, when instead we should be confronting the source for a long-term improvement.

take out the trash, clean the trash can, that’s how you kill the odor.

it’s normal to feel uncomfortable dealing with our insecurities, struggles, past mistakes. it really is. because that’s how you know there’s something worth thinking about.

it’s important to recognize what it is that is holding us back from living the way we want to live, because it is only then when we can figure out how we can truly rise above our shortcomings.

“what can i do to be a better partner? a better friend? a better human being?”

give yourself some grace. be patient with yourself, that’s crucial. you deserve some leeway.

there may be a lot of baggage. that’s cool.

it may take some trial and error, you’ll find your way so long as you continue working at it.

keep in mind: time doesn’t stop for mistakes. it doesn’t. whatever did or didn’t happen didn’t rupture the world. sun will always set at the end of the day.

the world doesn’t stop for you, and that’s a good thing.

the past is the past, but the present is here and now.

you’re living in the present that is dictated by not what you think, but what you do with what you think.

let’s work.

see you then.

  • Ethan


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