make things easier for yourself later.

hey -

working in the service/food industry has taught me a lot of things:

  • precision first, speed second

  • things aren’t scary once you do it enough

and one more thing:

do things now so that you don’t have to do it later.

i work as a barista. there are toppings and syrups we use very regularly.

when a container of a topping is almost empty, i’ll always go out of my way to change it immediately before it becomes a problem later.

in the event of a rush, it’s not always ideal to be replacing toppings when we really should be working on getting these drinks out to the customers.

by changing it now, i don’t have to worry about replacing anything later, and i can completely focus on crafting these drinks.

this can be a great tool for time management in terms of finding time for the things you actually want to do.

apply this philosophy to your life. everywhere.

wash the dishes now, go pump gas in your car, do your laundry.

it doesnt even have to apply to short-term goals.

the sooner you start the hobby, the sooner you reap the skills and rewards of the hobby.

the sooner you try, the sooner you’ll make mistakes. the sooner you make mistakes, the sooner you’ll learn from them and be better.

all it takes is effort.

do the hard work now, you can rest later.

because ultimately, we’ll find ourselves in scenarios where our past laziness forces us to unnecessarily work harder in the present.

time moves on anyway, why wouldn’t we want to make things easier later?

see you then.

  • Ethan



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