protect your peace

the battle to never quit

hey -

one of my ultimate goals in this world is to achieve peace. like complete, utter peace. no racing thoughts, no conflicts, no regrets. just complete satisfaction with my life.

that’s my definition, it could be different from yours.

one thing i can be certain, however, is that we all can agree on the same thing:

peace takes sacrifice

in some way, shape or form, we have to lose something in order to achieve it.

we don’t always know what peace looks like, so we have to find out what our peace means to us through deliberate trial and error.

we have to be vulnerable. we have to open up and allow life to put cracks in our armor

only then will it teach us what we do and don’t want in our lives.

from there, that’s when we can start building the foundations for how we want to live our lives. peace is everything. for your mind and your soul.

define it first, then make a plan towards achieving it.

it’s okay to rid of things that rupture your peace. keep the things that help you build and maintain your peace.

i say all of this like it’s easy, but honestly it’s the furthest thing from it.

the mind has a way of thinking beyond what is preferable by the person. be mindful (heh) of this. try to know when your thinking is irrational and counterproductive.

when it all comes down to it, your mind defines your peace.

truthfully, my mind isn’t at peace. and that’s one of the only things that i can’t remove from my life. but maybe that’s not a bad thing.

because at the same time, it is also the one thing that can offer me peace.

point is, treat your mind well.

if you not knowing gives you peace, then don’t know.

if being alone gives you peace, then be alone.

sometimes it’s hard to make tough decisions because you lose a part of yourself in the process, but nobody ever talks about possibility of (re)gaining a part of yourself.

see you then

  • Ethan



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