role models

not to be like them, but to be a better you

hey -

if there was one person i look up to the most, it’d be my father.

i aspire to be like him.

there’s a lot of values that he’s instilled in me growing up and throughout the years it’s become more and more apparent that i’m my father’s son, and i couldn’t be prouder.

he’s a hardworking, reliable individual that can literally do anything. he’ll make it happen. one way or another.

when you have role models, it tends to be easier to make decisions because you’d assess what they’d do if they were in your situation.

if i was in a situation, I’d ask myself, “what would my dad do?”

he’d never stay at home and choose not to do something just because he doesn’t feel like it. he’s gonna do it anyway.

he’d never stop working on something when he runs into a roadblock, he’s gonna figure out a solution and keep moving forward.

one of the values that he treasures most is family.

take care of your loved ones and stay close with them.

i envision having my own family one day, and i hope to parent my children the way my father has parented me my whole life.

with love, gentleness, and care.

moral of the story is:

always have a role model to look up to. it gives you a purpose and direction to life your life.

this isn’t to say follow in their exact footsteps, but instead look at the things you find admirable and instill them into your own lifestyle.

pave your way with some guidance, and watch it thrive.

see you then.

  • Ethan


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