if there's a chance, why not?

for your ambitions

hey -

if there’s a chance you can make it work, try.

if there’s a chance you can get a raise, try.

if there’s a chance you can try again, try.

why not?

do not get in your head here:

“but if i do this it might make matters worse."

but what if it doesn’t? what if it gives you what you’ve always wanted?

don’t stop yourself just because you’re calculating a feared reality that has yet to happen.

there’s the pain of regret, and the pain of discipline.

both are hard, but which one would you rather have?

the thought of what could’ve been? or the satisfaction of the pursuit of success?

never expect to go through these trials and tribulations unscathed, you’re going to get hurt. you’re going to get tested. you’re going to be on your last legs, wondering if you should've turned back.

these are the prices you pay in the pursuit of what matters. you can’t avoid it. it’s impossible. if it seems all roses and butterflies right now, the fantasy won’t last long. be prepared to fight.

if shit works out, you get what you want. if shit hits the fan, you learn a lesson. it’s win-win situation if you try.

you get stronger by trying, otherwise you’ll stay stagnant.

don’t be afraid to grow.

see you then.

  • Ethan


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